Experiential Ed

Town Hall/Seminar

On Tuesdays, students participate in forty minutes of either Beit Midrash (lit. house of meaning-making) or Seminar. During Beit Midrash, the whole school gathers for an assembly where we listen to speakers, celebrate holidays, respond to current events, explore the arts, and build community.

The overall purpose of the Seminar program is to help students develop the social and emotional skills that comprise the five core SEL competencies (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making).

Students are encouraged to investigate different aspects of their identity and begin thinking consciously about who they want to be, how they want to live, and how their choices affect their individual selves and their community, both at Kehillah and beyond.


With intention, Kehillah's “Reflective Practice” is now Avodah She’balev - “Heart Work”.

Rooted in our understanding of the best conditions for learning and development and aligned with Kehillah’s commitment to student voice, choice, and agency, this time is set aside for our student body to create experiences that offer deep, creative, and critical moments of introspection, intention setting, and wellbeing.

With choices like poetry, reading for pleasure, meditation, yoga, and many many more Kehillah has set aside time every week to care for our hearts.




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