Jewish Life and Learning

Kehillah is distinctly Jewish, purposefully pluralistic, and intentionally inclusive

At Kehillah, our Jewish values and traditions are at the core of our approach, shaping a vibrant and inclusive community. We embrace students and families from all backgrounds, cultivating a sense of belonging where shared experiences are central. Rather than focusing on single identity-based affinity spaces, we emphasize inclusivity by encouraging connection across differences. 

Our goal is for every member of the Kehillah community to feel their connection to the Jewish values that guide us—compassion, learning, and justice—while creating a pluralistic environment where everyone can find their own meaningful engagement.


Community (קהילה / Kehillah)

Kehillah reflects our commitment to building strong, inclusive communities where individuals from diverse backgrounds support one another, fostering collective growth and understanding.

Pursuit of Knowledge (דעת / Da’at)

Da'at represents the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and critical thinking skills. We value learning as a lifelong endeavor essential for personal growth, intellectual development, and meaningful engagement with the world.

Dialogue (מחלוקת / Machloket)

Machloket, or constructive disagreement, encourages respectful debate as a means of pursuing truth and wisdom. We view thoughtful discussion and the exchange of diverse perspectives as practices that strengthen our understanding and build community.

Justice (צדק / Tzedek)

Tzedek emphasizes fairness, righteousness, and social responsibility. We are committed to pursuing justice and equality in our community and the wider world, inspired by the Jewish concept of tikkun olam ("repairing the world").

Agency (בחירה / Bechirah)

Bechirah refers to the concept of free will, the ability to make moral choices, and the responsibility to act with intention and integrity. We empower students to shape their lives, contribute to their communities, and transform the world.


Jewish Studies

Our Jewish Studies program offers a diverse, inclusive exploration of Jewish texts, history, philosophy, and culture. We blend traditional and contemporary approaches, emphasizing critical thinking and relevance to modern life. Key Program Elements:

  • Foundational courses introducing Jewish texts and history
  • In-depth study of classical Jewish sources
  • Philosophical inquiry, intellectual discourse, and experiential learning
  • Examination of contemporary Jewish issues and ethics
  • Specialized courses on gender, creativity, and marginalized voices in Jewish tradition
  • Experiential learning through performance and dialogue
  • Comparative religion and interfaith dialogue
  • Exploration of Jewish contributions to world culture and thought

Our curriculum encourages students to engage deeply with Jewish heritage while developing their own perspectives and identities. The program is also enriched by the diversity of our community, and collaborative efforts across disciplines and department. For a full list of offerings, please visit our curriculum guide here.

Education Beyond Classroom Walls

Kehillah embraces experiential learning that fosters student growth, agency, and impact. The school integrates Jewish culture and values through an expansive array of programming, including

  • Weekly Kabbalat Shabbat celebrations, or “Kab-Shab”
  • Educational travel programs
  • Jewish Holiday observances
  • Experiential programs like HeartWork, Clubs, and Community Service

Meanwhile, educational trips expose students to diverse cultures, histories, and social issues across the U.S. and internationally. These journeys aim to develop critical thinking and cultural understanding. The school offers spiritual practices and interfaith dialogue opportunities. Our rich array of clubs further support students' engagement with Jewish heritage and other backgrounds.

This approach seeks to create an inclusive environment where students can explore identity, culture, and values, while experiencing the depth and diversity of the Jewish experience.

Israel: Connection, Dialogue, and Understanding 

We look to foster a nuanced and personal understanding of Israel, grounded in principles of open dialogue, democratic values, and pluralism. Our approach encourages students to explore the multifaceted connections between Israel and Jewish heritage, recognizing its significance across history, liturgy, and culture.

At Kehillah, we teach about Israel through a range of courses that explore its historical, cultural, and societal dimensions. Classes such as From Ancient to Modern Israel: The Land and the People, TEXTing Ancient Israel, Contemporary Israel, Honors Israeli Law & Society, and KAT Modern Middle East offer students a multifaceted understanding of Israel's past and present. Additional courses engage with Israeli society through literature, ethics, and arts, and can be found in our Curriculum Guide.

Being on a Jewish Calendar

At Kehillah, we observe major Jewish holidays. Our weekly Kabbalat Shabbat – or Kab Shab – on Fridays welcomes Shabbat and includes interactive discussion on Jewish rituals, the weekly parsha, and holidays.

You can view our school's schedule and calendar here.

Kashrut Policy

Our food policy is intended to be inclusive of all members of our community. In practice, this means that all food served by the school is kosher. Most of the time, we serve dairy or parve (non-dairy and non-meat) or pescatarian (fish, but no meat). On occasion, the school may serve meat for lunch, on class trips, or at special events. When Kehillah provides food, there will be a vegetarian / vegan / gluten-free option when available. We consider vegetarian food a kosher offering. For more information on our food policies, see our Student Handbook


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