We are glad to be a part of your search for the right learning community for your high school experience.
At Kehillah, we believe that the best place for your learning journey is in an inclusive community that cares for you, values your voice and vision, and invites you to explore, create, and dream about where you want to go. Kehillah is that place. We are a high school designed to help you get from where you are to where–and who–you want to be.
We are looking forward to getting to know you and your family and beginning a conversation about Kehillah as your possible high school home. That dialogue can begin with a conversation with me, our Director of Admissions & Enrollment Managment, or you can explore our program directly with a visit to campus. Either way, I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Warm regards,
David Weiner
Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management