In a typical year we would be communicating with our community about the exciting excursions students would be embarking on this spring. In true 2020 fashion, this is not a typical communication.
As I’m sure you have predicted, due to COVID-19, we are unable to send our students on trips this March. The changing health and safety protocols make safe planning difficult at best; with travel precautions, quarantine requirements and sites being closed, these trips cannot be what we want for our students. At this point, trips cannot happen as scheduled. We are joined with more than 40 other Independent schools in California that have decided to postpone or cancel their trips this year.
However, we are hopeful that the situation may change. If health guidelines make it possible, we may be able to travel on a delayed timeline later this spring. We will communicate plans about any delayed trips, later in the new year.
The next question running through your mind might be, “What does ‘trip week’ look like without trips?” I’m so glad you asked! This year we have the opportunity to delve into Deep Dives, a full week of passion project inquiry that will culminate in a share-out video. Students from all four grades will have the choice to select a discipline to explore. This could be researching a figure or era they want to know more about, acquiring new language skills, honing a craft to serve the community, experimenting with a hobby they’ve longed to try or something else entirely! This week is an embodiment of our fourth commitment where students truly are responsible for themselves, their learning, and their community.
While I know this news is disappointing, even if it is expected, I am encouraged by the chance to try something new. We cannot wait to see what our students uncover! Thank you for understanding and please be in touch with any questions.
Sarah Canfield-Dafilou
Director of Experiential Education
Deep Dives projects begin on March 1 at 9:00am
Before Deep Dives Week
We’ll have an overview session on Wednesday Feb 24 at 9:30am (Zoom link will be posted on Schoology). At that Feb 24 meeting you’ll learn who’s in your group and what teacher is facilitating. We’ll also review the expectations below.
Expectations during Deep Dives Week
Participate in a daily check in (~30 min) with your group
• Discuss your progress
• Plan your next steps
• Explore guiding questions together
Work on your project for 4-6 hours each day.
• Part of this time can include working towards your presentation (see below).
• This time will also include community building time as organized with your group.
You are welcome and invited to work on your project with your friends (virtually or in person with COVID-precautions in place). The Kehillah building and parking lot will be open and
available (times to follow) to work if your project is doable at school (sorry, no cooking, sharing food, or singing on campus).
On Wednesday March 10, you’ll present your projects to your group and one other group during Beit Midrash. These presentations can be a podcast, video, slideshow, animation, spoken reflection, artistic creation etc and need to show or discuss what you did and what you learned during your Deep Dives week. Students should expect to be “on” for 3-4 minutes each. We will record these sessions. Some examples of model presentations are below.