Keeping Healthy FOR THE 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR
We have moved from required testing and required quarantine to expected and strongly recommended behavior to keep our community safe. We will, however, continue to require masking in certain situations, as outlined in the table below, and as a preventative measure for our community.
Please take your health and the health of those around you seriously. Make decisions that honor our fourth Commitment - We take responsibility for ourselves, our learning, and our community.
Throughout the year, we will remain abreast of guidelines set by the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health, the California Department of Education, and align whenever possible with the practice of peer NorCal independent high schools. Kehillah reserves the right to amend these plans at any time in response to our own community wellbeing, to be preventative for our community, or as a result of changes in County or State guidelines.
For questions, please contact Rachel Paley or Ryan Greenfield.
Kehillah COVID Team for 2023-2024: Daisy Pellant, Roy Danovitch, Susie Green, Meg Miraglia, Rachel Paley, Ryan Greenfield, Riki (Tavi) Alcheck, M.D. (Board Liaison)
What if… |
Student Response |
I test positive for COVID but am asymptomatic |
We expect you to stay home for 5 days. The current (and longstanding) CDC recommendation is to
Masking is required until 10 days after a positive test and the expectation is to have 2 negative tests 48 hrs apart before removing the mask. |
I test positive for COVID and am symptomatic |
We expect you to stay home for a minimum of 5 days. The current (and longstanding) CDC recommendation is to
We ask that you not return to campus until your symptoms are gone and you have been fever-free for 24 hours. Masking is required until 10 days after a positive test and the expectation is to have 2 negative tests 48 hrs apart before removing the mask. |
I am a close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID (within 6 ft for more than 15 minutes within a 24 hour period) |
When at school you are required to wear a mask for 10 days following your close contact. We strongly recommend that you test every 3 days (until Day 10) to monitor the results of your exposure. |
I am a continual close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID (i.e. they are in my home) |
We strongly recommend that you isolate yourself from that person and test every 3 days (until Day 10) to monitor the results of your exposure. When at school you are required to wear a KN95 mask for 10 days following your last exposure to the COVID-positive contact (following the resolution of their case.) |
I have COVID-like symptoms |
We strongly recommend you stay home until you feel better and test every other day to ascertain if your symptoms are COVID or a common cold. |
I am due for a vaccine |
We strongly recommend you stay up-to-date on your vaccines. |
I’m worried about being around someone who may be positive for COVID but asymptomatic |
We recognize and respect this concern and strongly recommend you follow the best-practice behaviors we’ve learned from our expert advisors through the COVID years:
Will school provide hybrid options if I am at home? |
No. The hybrid option will no longer be available. If you are not feeling well, we want you to stay home and rest until you feel better. As is customary, teachers will work with you if you are home and asymptomatic, just as they would if you had an absence for non-illness-related reasons. |
Will Kehillah provide masks and test kits? |
Yes - Masks will continue to be available at the sign-in desk. Please see Ms. Paley if you need a test. |